
2019 Dec.25
News Release

Received Best Presentation Awards at the 22nd Doctoral Student Presentations / 第22回博士後期課程学生発表会ベストプレゼンテーション賞受賞

2nd-year Doctoral students Sosuke Kobayashi, Masatoshi Suzuki, and Reina Akama each received the Best Presentation Award at the 22nd Doctoral Student Presentations held on December 18. Congratulations!


2019 Dec.16

☆★ End-of-year party! ★☆ / ☆★ 忘年会を開催しました★☆

We held a Tohoku NLP Lab end-of-year party at the “Shikisai” restaurant on the Aobayama campus. Lab members and their family members, StepQI students, creative engineering students, next year’s new members, and other lab’s students all had a chance to converse with members they don’t usually talk with often. Let’s have another great year!


2019 Dec.13
News Release

Pretrained Japanese BERT models released / 日本語 BERT モデル公開

Our pretrained Japanese BERT models are now available in Transformers by Huggingface. This work is done by 2nd year Ph.D. student Masatoshi Suzuki.


2019 Dec.12

Got the Big Dars! / ビックダース獲得!

Our 4th year bachelor student Takuma Kato won the Dars 12.12 challenge held on December 12. The challenge was to stop a stopwatch at exactly 12.12 seconds. Congratulations!

12月12日のダースの日に大学生協青葉山東キャンパス店で行われた『目指せ!12.12秒チャレンジ!~ストップウォッチを見ずに12.12秒を当てて、景品をGETしましょう!~』にて、加藤拓真 (学部4年) が見事12.12秒でストップウォッチを止め、ビックダースを獲得しました。おめでとうございます!

2019 Dec.05
News Release

Poster Award at SLUD / 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第87回研究会 (第10回対話システムシンポジウム) 若手萌芽ポスター賞受賞

1st year master student Shiki Sato has recieved the “Young Sprout” poster award at the 87th Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Processing (SIG-SLUD) 10th Dialogue Symposium. Congratulations!

人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第87回研究会 (第10回対話システムシンポジウム) にて、佐藤志貴(修士1年)が若手萌芽ポスター賞を受賞しました。おめでとうございます!

  • 佐藤志貴, 赤間怜奈, 大内啓樹, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.
2019 Dec.04
News Release

Presented at SLUD / 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第87回研究会 (第10回対話システムシンポジウム)

The following work has been presented at the 87th Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Understanding and Dialogue Processing (SIG-SLUD) 10th Dialogue Symposium held between December 2 and 3.

12月2日から3日にかけて開催された人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第87回研究会 (第10回対話システムシンポジウム) にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • 佐藤志貴, 赤間怜奈, 大内啓樹, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.

2019 Nov.25
News Release

The 22nd Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop, 2019 / 第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2019)

The following work has been presented at the 22nd Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop held from November 20 to 23.

11月20日から23日にかけて開催された第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • 塙一晃, 横井祥, 原聡, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.

2019 Nov.22
News Release

Recognition as outstanding Area Chair and outstanding reviewers of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019

Assoc. prof. Jun Suzuki was recognized as an outstanding Area Chair of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019. Researcher Hiroki Ouchi and 2nd-year doctorate student Sosuke Kobayashi have been recognized as outstanding reviewers. Congratulations!

鈴木潤准教授が EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 の Outstanding Area Chairs に選ばれました。AIP特別研究員の大内啓樹さんおよび社会人博士課程2年の小林颯介さんが同会議の Outstanding Reviewers に選ばれました。

2019 Nov.20
News Release

RIKEN Wex annotation tool released / RIKEN Wex (GSK2019-C) の公開

Dr. Ryo Nagata from the RIKEN AIP Natural Language Understanding team lead by Prof. Kentaro Inui released the “RIKEN Wex” tool. RIKEN Wex is an annotation tool that extracts the editing history and comments from MS Word documents and converts them to XML/TSV format.

乾健太郎教授がリーダーを務めるRIKEN AIP 言語理解チームの客員研究員 永田亮氏によるツール『RIKEN Wex』 を公開しました。RIKEN Wex は、MS Wordファイル形式で記録された編集履歴とコメントを抽出し、XML/TSV形式に変更するツールです。

2019 Nov.12

Annual Relay Race / 電気系駅伝大会が開催されました

Our team placed 25th out of 37 at the annual Ekiden relay race, followed by an Oden party.


2019 Nov.12
News Release

Acceptance to AAAI-20 / AAAI-20 採択

The following paper has been accepted to the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20).

AAAI-20 に下記の論文が採択されました。

  • Saku Sugawara, Pontus Stenetorp, Kentaro Inui, Akiko Aizawa.
    “Assessing the Benchmarking Capacity of Machine Reading Comprehension Datasets”
2019 Nov.08
News Release

Presented at the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019)

The following works were presented at the main conference and workshops of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019) held from November 3rd to 7th.

11月3日から7日にかけて開催された EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 および併催ワークショップにて、下記の発表をおこないました。

Main Conference:


2019 Nov.08
News Release

Prof. Kentaro Inui served as General Chair of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 / 乾健太郎教授が国際会議 EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 の General Chair を務めました

Prof. Inui Kentaro served as the General Chair of the Organizing Committee of EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019, held from November 3rd to 7th.

乾健太郎教授が、11月3日から7日にかけて開催された国際会議 EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019のGeneral Chair を務めました。

2019 Nov.02
News Release

Presented at the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2019) / INLG 2019

The following works have been presented at the main conference of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2019) held from October 29th to November 1st.

10月29日から11月1日にかけて開催された INLG2019 にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • Takumi Ito, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Hayato Kobayashi, Ana Brassard, Masato Hagiwara, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui.
    “Diamonds in the Rough: Generating Fluent Sentences from Early-stage Drafts”
  • Yuta Hitomi, Yuya Taguchi, Hideaki Tamori, Ko Kikuta, Jiro Nishitoba, Naoaki Okazaki, Kentaro Inui and Manabu Okumura.
    “A Large-Scale Multi-Length Headline Corpus for Analyzing Length-Constrained Headline Generation Model Evaluation”

2019 Nov.01
News Release

TEASPN prototype released / TEASPN サーバサンプル実装を公開

A prototype of the TEASPN protocol and framework, developed by 2nd year Master students Takumi Ito and Tatsuki Kuribayashi along with Masato Hagiwara from Octanove Labs/RIKEN AIP has been released. Give it a try!

伊藤拓海・栗林樹生(修士2年/Langsmith Inc.)らが萩原正人氏(Octanove Labs/理研AIP)との共同プロジェクトとして取り組んでいるTEASPNサーバサンプル実装 が公開されました。ぜひお試しください。

2019 Oct.24
News Release

Article published in 85th edition of “NII Today” / NII Today 85号に記事が掲載されました

An interview with Prof. Kentaro Inui was published in the 85th edition of “NII Today”.

乾健太郎教授のインタビューが NII Today 85号 に掲載されました。

2019 Oct.23

MiCS: Mr. Masashi Yoshikawa / MiCS (みちのく情報伝達学セミナー): 吉川将司氏ご講演

Mr. Masashi Yoshikawa from the Nara Institute of Science and Technology visited the Lab and gave a talk on NLP systems based on theoretical linguistics. MiCS


2019 Oct.18
News Release

Started joint research with ZOSHINDO-JUKENKENKYUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd. / 株式会社増進堂・受験研究社との共同研究開始

The RIKEN team lead by Prof. Kentaro Inui started a joint research project on AI technology that automatically grades written answers for middle and high school students with ZOSHINDO-JUKENKENKYUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.


2019 Oct.05

Stew party / 芋煮会

Members of our laboratory recently enjoyed a nice stew and barbeque near the Hirose River. Family members and new laboratory members both joined, and the party was very festive!


2019 Sep.27
News Release

Graduation Ceremony / 学位記授与式

Farjana Sultana Mim (2nd year Master’s student), congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for all your future endeavors!

Farjana Sultana Mimさん(修士2年)、ご修了おめでとうございます!これからの益々のご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。

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