
2020 Dec.22

End-of-year party! / 忘年会を開催しました

This year, the Inui-Suzuki Lab year-end party was held online. In addition to our lab members, students from StepQI and Creative Engineering also joined us, and we had a great time talking with people we don’t usually have a chance to talk to.


2020 Dec.18

MICS: Mr. Yusuke Oda / MiCS (みちのく情報伝達学セミナー): 小田悠介氏ご講演

Mr. Yusuke Oda from LegalForce visited the lab and gave a lecture titled “Lawyers and Natural Language Processing: Solving Problems in Contract Drafting”. (MiCS)


2020 Dec.18
News Release

Publication in the Journal of Natural Language Processing Volume 27 Number 4 / 自然言語処理 27巻4号 発行

The following articles have been included in the Journal of Natural Language Processing Volume 27 Number 4.


  • 栗林樹生, 大内啓樹, 井之上直也, 鈴木潤, Paul Reisert, 三好利昇, 乾健太郎
  • Kaori Abe, Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Naoaki Okazaki and Kentaro Inui
    “Multi-dialect Neural Machine Translation for 48 Low-resource Japanese Dialects”
2020 Dec.14

MICS: Dr. Jun Otsuka / MiCS (みちのく情報伝達学セミナー): 大塚淳氏ご講演

Dr. Jun Otsuka from Kyoto University gave a talk entitled “A philosophical reflection on deep learning and XAI”. (MiCS)

京都大学の大塚淳氏に、「深層学習とXAIについての哲学的考察 / A philosophical reflection on deep learning and XAI」という表題でご講演いただきました。(みちのく情報伝達学セミナー)

2020 Dec.13
News Release

The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020)

The following works were presented at the The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020) main conference and workshop held online from December 8th to 13th.

12月8日からオンラインで開催された COLING 2020 および併催ワークショップにて、下記5件の発表をおこないました。

Main Conference:

  • Ryo Fujii, Masato Mita, Kaori Abe, Kazuaki Hanawa, Makoto Morishita, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui
    “PheMT: A Phenomenon-wise Dataset for Machine Translation Robustness on User-Generated Contents”
  • Ryuto Konno, Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Shun Kiyono, Hiroki Ouchi, Ryo Takahashi and Kentaro Inui
    “An Empirical Study of Contextual Data Augmentation forJapanese Zero Anaphora Resolution”
  • Takaki Otake, Sho Yokoi, Naoya Inoue, Ryo Takahashi, Tatsuki Kuribayashi and Kentaro Inui
    “Modeling Event Salience in Narratives via Barthes’ Cardinal Functions”
  • Takumi Gotou, Ryo Nagata, Masato Mita and Kazuaki Hanawa
    “Taking the Correction Difficulty into Account in Grammatical Error Correction Evaluation”

Workshop: The Second Workshop Beyond Vision and LANguage:
inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN 2020)

  • Diana Galvan-Sosa, Jun Suzuki, Kyosuke Nishida, Koji Matsuda and Kentaro Inui.
    “Seeing the world through text: Evaluating image descriptions for commonsense reasoning in machine reading comprehension”
2020 Dec.12
News Release

Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020)

The following work was presented at the Thirty-fourth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020) held online from December 6th to 12th.

12月6日からオンラインで開催された NeurIPS 2020 にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • Sho Takase, Sosuke Kobayashi
    “All Word Embeddings from One Embedding”
2020 Dec.12
News Release

Second and Third place in EfficientQA / EfficientQA で2位と3位を獲得

The question answering system jointly developed by Studio Ousia and Tohoku University took second place in the Systems under 6GB track and third place in the Unrestricted track at the Efficient Open-Domain Question Answering Competition (EfficientQA) held at NeurIPS 2020 (December 6th to 12th, online). Congratulations!

12月6日からオンラインで開催された Efficient Open-Domain Question Answering Competition (EfficientQA) において、Studio Ousia と東北大学が共同開発した質問応答システムが、Systems under 6GBトラックで第2位、Unrestrictedトラックで第3位を獲得しました。おめでとうございます!

2020 Dec.08
News Release

The 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP 2020)

The following work was presented at the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (AACL-IJCNLP) held online from December 4th to 7th.

12月4日からオンラインで開催された AACL-IJCNLP 2020 にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • Shin Kanouchi, Masato Neishi, Yuta Hayashibe, Hiroki Ouchi and Naoaki Okazaki.
    “You May Like This Hotel Because … : Identifying Evidence for Explainable Recommendations”
2020 Dec.03
News Release

Lecture given at the 7th Natural Language Processing Symposium / 第7回自然言語処理シンポジウム 講演

Master student Goro Kobayashi reported on his participation in EMNLP2020 at the 7th Natural Language Processing Symposium held on December 2 to 3.

12月2日から3日にかけて開催された第7回自然言語処理シンポジウム にて、小林悟郎(修士1年)が『国際会議EMNLP2020参加報告』のタイトルで講演を行いました。

2020 Dec.02
News Release

JSAI SIG-SLUD 2020 / 人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第90回研究会 (第11回対話システムシンポジウム)

Ph.D. student Reina Akama and Master student Shiki Sato reported on their participation in international conferences at JSAI SIG-SLUD 2020.

11月30日から12月1日にかけて開催された人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 (SLUD) 第90回研究会 (第11回対話システムシンポジウム) にて、赤間怜奈(博士3年)と佐藤志貴(修士2年)がそれぞれ以下のタイトルで講演をおこないました。

  • 赤間怜奈
    “国際会議参加報告 EMNLP 2020”
  • 佐藤志貴
    “国際会議参加報告 ACL 2020”
2020 Dec.02
News Release

3st Dialog System Live Competition Excellence Award received / 第3回対話システムライブコンペティション優秀賞受賞

Our team, ILYS, has received the Excellence Award at the 3rd Dialogue System Live Competition (Japanese only). Congratulations!

第3回対話システムライブコンペティションにて、 乾研究室のチーム ILYS が優秀賞(2位)を受賞しました。おめでとうございます!

  • 藤原吏生, 岸波洋介, 今野颯人, 佐藤志貴, 佐藤汰亮, 宮脇峻平, 加藤拓真, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎
    “ILYS aoba bot: 大規模ニューラル応答生成モデルとルールベースを統合した雑談対話システム”

2020 Nov.28
News Release

Educational Assessment + NLP Symposium /「教育アセスメント×言語処理シンポジウム : 自動採点、英文添削、論述評価の可能性」

The RIKEN AIP Natural Language Understanding Team, led by Prof. Kentaro Inui, held a symposium on the interface between educational assessment and natural language processing on November 27. 324 people (the largest number of participants so far) attended the symposium, which was a great success.

乾健太郎教授がリーダーを務める RIKEN AIP 自然言語理解チームでは、11月27日に「教育アセスメント」と「自然言語処理」の接点をテーマとしたシンポジウムを開催しました。324名(最多参加時)の方々にご参加いただき、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じました。

2020 Nov.26
News Release

First place in WMT2020 / WMT2020 で1位

The Tohoku University-AIP-NTT joint team took first place in the WMT2020 Shared Task: Machine Translation of News in all four categories they participated in! It was a fierce competition with many strong international teams. Congratulations!

東北大学・AIP・NTTの合同チームが、WMT2020 Shared Task: Machine Translation of News において、参加した4部門全てで人手評価1位を獲得しました。おめでとうございます!

2020 Nov.26
News Release

The 23rd Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop, 2020 / 第23回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS 2020)

The following work has been presented at the 23rd Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop held from November 23 to 26.

11月23日から26日にかけて開催された第23回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (IBIS2020) にて、下記の発表をおこないました。

  • 塙一晃, 横井祥, 原聡, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.
2020 Nov.24
News Release

The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2020)

The following papers were presented at the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) main conference, system demonstration program, and workshops held online from November 16th to 20th.

11月16日から20日にかけてオンラインで開催された EMNLP 2020 および併催ワークショップにて、下記6件の発表をおこないました。

Main Conference:

  • Sho Yokoi, Ryo Takahashi, Reina Akama, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui
    “Word Rotator’s Distance”
  • Reina Akama, Sho Yokoi, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui
    “Filtering Noisy Dialogue Corpora by Connectivity and Content Relatedness”
  • Goro Kobayashi, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Sho Yokoi and Kentaro Inui
    “Attention is Not Only a Weight: Analyzing Transformers with Vector Norms”

System Demonstrations:

  • Takumi Ito, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Masatoshi Hidaka, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui
    Langsmith: An Interactive Academic Text Revision System”


  • Fifth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20)
    • Shun Kiyono, Takumi Ito, Ryuto Konno, Makoto Morishita and Jun Suzuki.
      “Tohoku-AIP-NTT at WMT 2020 News Translation Task”
  • SustaiNLP: Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing
    • Sosuke Kobayashi, Sho Yokoi, Jun Suzuki and Kentaro Inui.
      “Efficient Estimation of Influence of a Training Instance”
2020 Nov.24
News Release

Selected for CREST funding / CREST 採択

Our team has been accepted to the CREST “Fundamental Technologies for Trustworthy AI” area with the following research topic:

  • AI systems that can provide verbal explanations based on knowledge and reasoning (Principal Investigator: Kentaro Inui)


  • 知識と推論に基づいて言語で説明できるAIシステム(研究代表者:乾健太郎)
2020 Nov.20
News Release

Acceptance to ALTA 2020 / ALTA 2020 採択

The following paper has been accepted to The 18th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA 2020).

ALTA 2020 に下記の論文が採択されました。

  • Kotaro Kitayama, Shivashankar Subramanian, Timothy Baldwin.
    “Popularity Prediction of Online Petitions using a Multimodal Deep Regression Model”
2020 Nov.20
News Release

EMNLP2020 Outstanding Reviewer

AIP Postdoctoral Researcher Hiroki Ouchi has been recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer at the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2020). Congratulations!

AIP特別研究員の大内啓樹さんが EMNLP2020 の Outstanding Reviewers に選ばれました。おめでとうございます!

2020 Nov.10
News Release

Annual Conference Award, Annual Conference Student Incentive Award win at JSAI2020 / 2020年度人工知能学会全国大会(JSAI)全国大会優秀賞・全国大会学生奨励賞受賞

Our two works (Sho Yokoi et al. and Hitomi Yanaka et al.) received the Annual Conference Award, and Reina Akama received the Annual Conference Student Incentive Award at the 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI2020) held from June 9th to June 12th. Congratulations!



  • 横井 祥, ⾼橋 諒, ⾚間 怜奈, 鈴⽊ 潤, 乾 健太郎
  • 谷中 瞳,峯島 宏次,戸次 大介,乾 健太郎


  • ⾚間 怜奈

2020 Nov.05
News Release

Educational Assessment + NLP Symposium /「教育アセスメント×言語処理シンポジウム : 自動採点、英文添削、論述評価の可能性」(2020/11/27)開催

The RIKEN AIP Natural Language Understanding Team, led by Prof. Kentaro Inui, will hold a symposium on the interface between educational assessment and Natural Language Processing (NLP). We will introduce our team’s research and development projects, and invite panelists from educational institutions to discuss the possibilities of NLP and educational assessment in an online event. Details can be found in the link below (Japanese only).

乾健太郎教授がリーダーを務める RIKEN AIP 自然言語理解チームでは、「教育アセスメント」と「自然言語処理」の接点をテーマとしたシンポジウムを開催します。当チームで進めている研究開発の紹介や、教育事業者をお招きしたパネル討論を行い、教育アセスメント×言語処理の可能性を参加者の皆さんと一緒に考えるオンラインイベントです。

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