2018 Aug.29
News Release

Incentive Award and Hackathon Award received at the 13th Symposium of Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies (YANS) / NLP若手の会(YANS)第13回シンポジウム  奨励賞・ハッカソン賞を受賞

Second-year Master students Shōta Sasaki and Hono Shirai received awards at the 13th Symposium of YANS (Japanese only) for their presentations.

  • Shōta Sasaki, Jun Suzuki, Kentarō Inui
    “Reconstruction of word vectors based on subwords”
  • Hono Shirai, Naoya Inoue, Kentarō Inui
    “Toward mining pros and cons of information science papers”


  • 佐々木翔大, 鈴木潤, 乾健太郎.
  • 白井穂乃, 井之上直也, 乾健太郎.

Assistant professor Naoya Inoue’s team has received the Hackathon award.


Last-modified: 2019-07-01 (Mon) 17:05:40 (1761d)

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