2020 Jun.10
News Release

NLP 100 Exercise 2020 (Rev 1) published / 言語処理100本ノック 2020年版 改訂版(Rev 1)公開

Prof. Naoaki Okazaki from the Tokyo Institute of Technology (previously assoc. prof. at the Tohoku NLP Lab) has published the newest revision of the NLP 100 Exercise bootcamp. Members of our lab, Shun Kiyono, Benjamin Heinzerling, Ana Brassard, and Paul Reisert, have helped complete the English translation. Korean translations have been newly added up to Chapter 4 as well. New members of our lab go through these exercises to learn the basics of NLP.

岡崎直観 教授(東京工業大学、前 東北大学 准教授)より 言語処理100本ノック 2020 (Rev 1)が公開されました。
研究室メンバーの清野舜、Benjamin Heinzerling、Ana Brassard、Paul Reisertが英語への翻訳作業に協力しました。

Last-modified: 2020-06-10 (Wed) 10:17:44 (1416d)

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