2021 Jun.04
News Release

Text Assessment System Provides Automatic Scoring Functionality for Online Learning /「記述式をAI採点する現代文トレーニング」をリリース

An automatic text scoring system developed at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) will provide automatic scoring functionality in an online course, starting July 2021 by Yoyogi Seminar (SAPIX YOZEMI GROUP). The automatic text scoring system is based on machine learning and was developed by the Natural Language Understanding Team led by Prof. Kentaro Inui at RIKEN AIP.

This is the result of joint research started in 2017, and laboratory members Hiroaki Funayama (2nd-year master’s student) and Yoriko Isobe (technical staff) made an outstanding contribution.

For more information on the automatic text scoring technology developed by the Natural Language Understanding Team, please refer to Pressrelease by Yoyogi Seminar (Japanese) and Pressrelease by RIKEN AIP (English).

学校法⼈⾼宮学園代々⽊ゼミナールは、乾健太郎教授がリーダーを務める理研 AIP 自然言語理解チームが開発した「記述式AI採点の技術」を活用し、現代文における記述式問題の自動採点を含む高校生向けトレーニング教材の提供を2021年7月に開始します。


詳細は代々木ゼミナールの報道発表資料(外部サイト)および理研 AIP プレスリリース(外部サイト)をご覧ください。

Last-modified: 2021-06-10 (Thu) 12:47:43 (1061d)

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